Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Naga bamboos

From the trip in May. I love that the picture feels like bamboos swaying.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

California Poppies

So immensely pretty.
What ever happened to us eh Mungi? Many exciting events. And no discipline.

A quick question, I need to know how many people actually look at this blog. Would every lurker out there be nice enough to leave us a comment in the next week or so? No identity required, just lemme know if you're looking!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Charminar by bokeh

Here is one of those rain on window pane view from inside car while driving around Charminar pics. How's that for a one line description? :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

More drinkies.

In honour of my ridiculously alcoholic weekend and the wonderful people I spent it with.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Poochi for Mungi

When I went to Nagaland last year (JAISUS it was last year. And it's freaking September. WHERE did 2010 go? and 2009 for that matter...) I took a whole series of pictures of insects for the Mungi, who was obsessed with the ones that came to our walls in our flat. So in Berkeley this summer I saw this guy and hadta take it.

Potayto, potaato

The best thing the lord god up above gave us.
peel. chop. fry. deeeeep fry.
put. mouth.

p.s. post this grated cheese and oven happened. with salsa. yes. YES. however, in the spirit of keeping things simple, I posted stage 1 :)

Onwards and upwards mi hearties.

I here, really I iz.

Just didn't know I'd have this much work!
This one is from the celebrating of the MungiBudday, involving many martinis, a cheesecake and a gathering of the MungiKittehDragon nation. I LOVE how only the rim is in focus, and it's like the whole blue glass has become bokeh.