Friday, February 19, 2010


Apparently all I needed to motivate me was taking a break. Heh. In my defence, yesterday was a truly vile day, for absolutely no reason.

Today we have spent the day listening to lovely music and rootling through ancient photos, scanned from prints mind you. These include various travels, including a whole set from Europe in 2005. While I am amused at the naivety of many of the pictures, I'm also happy to realise I could frame well back then, even if I was terrible with exposure; and some of those pictures are breathtaking. Another day, however.

Today we have two pictures from a visit to Yosemite national park in March of 2007, and a bonus just-cos-iz-pwetty one. The first is half dome rock reflected in mirror lake. Whenever I hand this print to people they look at it upside down. Hee.

The second is a rainbow in the basin of Lower Yosemite falls. My sister took a ridiculous Hindi movie shot of me with my hair everywhere and the rainbow behind me. That is not for such a forum however, heh.

Up top, the majestic Yosemite Falls, framed by redwoods. *sigh* WannawannaWANNAGOBACKTHERE!

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