Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spain, Redux I

Back on 2005 I made my first trip to Spain, and my friend's kindly parents would take me out to see the countryside and drool over Gothic churches. I shot a total of nine rolls of film in something like 15 days. That's 324 photos on film, all of which I then had developed. I recently had em scanned and then sat and fixed them, so expect a series =) This is my absolute favourite from that set. It is an abandoned church in the village of La Hermita de Trigueros del Valle. It was the first time I ever attempted a sunspot, and I was so very thrilled with my success. I had a lot of sunspots on that trip, and they soon became one of my favourite things to do with light.

This better SAJ? For those interested, I twiddled with the curves, in GIMP, to make the shadows darker. I'm not convinced I like it more though, cos I like the bricks and the grass and the green barley in the pic on top.


  1. i remember this picture... really good! if possible, i'd lift up the shadows a bit in photoshop using levels or curves.
