Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spain Redux IV: Churches

Right, so, between my fascination with Gothic architecture, stained glass, and generally pretty buildings, there were a LOT of churches and cathedrals in my photos. However, I'm going to be kind and do this as a series. And not cheat and do em all at once so I don't have to shoot for 2 weeks either. To start with, here are some churches from the towns and villages I visited. The first is the abandoned church from La Ermita de Trigueros del Valle, where I took the gorgeous one of the grave and the sunspot. I just love how the stone in Castile is honey coloured - it's called piedra dorada, or golden stone. The other two are a church in a town in the northwestern province of Galicia (home to the shrine of Santiago or St. James, also known and the Moor-slayer, and the final destination of those who walk the pilgrimage of El Camino de Santiago, or St. James' Way.)


  1. love the first one, and the perspective of the third.

  2. dude thsat first church i just adored. i think iof i move there i'm going to go back and find it.

  3. heh thanks its my fav one of a non-cathedral. it was taken on film as well =) maybe that's the charm that pixels just don't react to light the way emulsion does!
