Friday, March 26, 2010

Goaaaaa I

The week I vanished (hush I know there's more than one), I was partly in Goa, and I did take MANY fotus for us here at SayChizPliz. This past week, the camera has been at the store for cleaning and sand removal - just in case. However, there are many pickshures lined up, and here they come!

The first day at Mandrem beach, we lay out on the sand on sunbeds, kindly placed beneath thatched shelters by the people who own the shacks. While trying to look for a bottle cap that rolled off the bed, I noticed that under our five tightly packed beds was lying a dog, fast asleep in the cool sand, and his (her?) paw was only just visible through the gap between two beds.


  1. what did you do to get that effect? titchy bit strong for my liking; would have loved to see the original. or is this the original?

  2. is not effect, is the bamboo slats on either side of the slit through which i could see the paw!
