Friday, March 26, 2010

Goaaaaa IX

The next romantic dinner setting. (No it wasn't actually a romantic trip at all, but heck it was so pretty!) Hark the lady on the bridge! And the bridge itself.

This is a lovely example of cheating if you can't afford/don't have equipment. I needed a tripod and a cable release. Luckily, our table was high up, and at the right level to catch the light, so I just set up the shot and put it on self timer to avoid any shaking from pressing the button. Et, voila, the lights and the bridge. One thing I LOVE about long exposure for lights is that gorgeous star effect you get around each light.

The strange thing I discovered and must investigate more, is that blue moon above her head, which is essentially an upside down reflection of the lamp behind her. It happens a lot, and I'm wondering if [a] it's a good thing, and [b] there's a way to control it.


  1. There is a way to remove it. Just don't use any filter on your lens.

  2. a-HA! i know you'd tell me. hee. next time remove the UV filter at night. goddit.

  3. lovely lovely lovely. simran makes for a fantastic model here.
