Friday, March 26, 2010

Goaaaaa XII

The boat. There was, of course, a little fishing boat pulled up on the beach. We never saw it out at sea because, obviously, we were never up that early. We did, however, end up riding it out to see dolphins! Whee! It was lovely! Except I was terrified the camera was going to die - since the phone already had =(

That was the sunset shot. And this is the daytime shot.


  1. pull the foreground up a bit using levels or curves in the first photo. if you want to that is :-)

    did you see any dolphins?

  2. we saw MENNY!!! no i want it all dusky and unclear, cos it was. i like that place where vision slips into non vision as day slips into night... =) i actually have a slightly more exposed version of this one. it's in the album. wait, didnt i send you the album?

  3. love the feel of the second one. like an ocean of sand :)

  4. yes! essackly what i was going for!
