Tuesday, September 28, 2010

California Poppies

So immensely pretty.
What ever happened to us eh Mungi? Many exciting events. And no discipline.

A quick question, I need to know how many people actually look at this blog. Would every lurker out there be nice enough to leave us a comment in the next week or so? No identity required, just lemme know if you're looking!


  1. Eschoos me. I was looking very religiously until you both started slacking. I even gave the URL to a friend praising your amazing efficiency. tsk tsk.

  2. heh i knowwwwww sorry =) will be better now. in defence is quite rare for me to let it slide so long! medum on the other hand... =D

  3. I am looking :D Now that I have drooled over every pic of cake on your other blog.

  4. hee. more coming. when i have time to breave!
