Sunday, May 23, 2010

Add-on essperiment

So, I'm attempting (loosely; not hitlering-ly) to do an SOOC add-on to the happeneings here. I just meant not post-process pics (except for only minor cropping/straightening); turns out there is already a jargonic acronym - (Straight Out Of the Camera) aka SOOC. Basically, not touch the picture in any which way. Oh, ok the only way I would probably not qualify for a rigid definition of SOOC is adding watermarks. Sorry, purists, but since the image hasn't been touched I'm going to include myself nonetheless. Deal with it.

Anyway, I don't like to spend time processing later; I prefer taking the time to compose on the camera and shoot. It also teaches me more about the camera's workings. Most importantly, it just works for me - more my style, and up my lane :) So I'm going to go about doing this with most, if not all, of my shots going forth. Unless I begin to feel otherwise :) Let's see how it goes.

Btw, the previous post (photowalk monuments pic) is SOOC.

Oooooh, how I love twists and turns :) And, that's a wrap leddies and gents. Now, to sleep.

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