Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Burning Bright

Almost as bright as the tyger, were the sunsets. God I fell in LOVE with sal trees (see it? on the left?) and Indian Rollers (Blue birds! who could want more? Patience you shall see soon) on this trip. And Kanha National Park. Poor sap who marries me, I'll drag him there on the honeymoon ;)

Though I could probably be persuaded to embrace Tanzania... ;)


  1. When I earn money, I will buy the last pic from you :)

  2. holymother of god. I just can't decide between the first and the second. exquisite. truly. love the point in time of the sunset in the first. and the shadow of the tree in front of the sun in the second is like a painting. *pats on back*

  3. also just the different strata of clouds in the third. fantastic sky for a quick practical lesson on cloud types. Cirrus? Cumulus? Nimbostratus? That's about as much as I can remember.

  4. hahaha nandu, i'll give it to you as a late wedding present ;)

    mungi, le thankyou =) fanthome would roll his eyes - he's always felt my obsession with sunsets and clouds is hilarious

  5. well, thats him. this is me :)
