Thursday, May 20, 2010


Ok, that's it. GIMP ain't for me. or rather RAW ain't for me. I'm anyway not the type to post-twiddle much; prefer spending more time with camera to take like a couple of shots and delete till I find one I like rather than keep aaaalllllll info and then post-process. But tis good the kitteh told me how to/what to do with GIMP so that in case I get more enthu about doing it, I'd atleast know where to start. So I'm going to revert to the jpeg or jpeg+gimp mode on the camera, instead of RAW for now. Thanks for ze lesson kitteh!

Also, blogger is acting SO temperamental. ufffff. been trying to upload the pic foreverrrrrr, and no, it wasn't the file size. And no, it wasn't my limit on picasa web albums. I think kitteh is right. I've been cursed for the long departure. Oh, well, I better win trust back sooooooonly.

So, zis is the base of ma noooo night lamp, which is also noooo. one of those painted on leather, which I got at an exhibition. Can't wait to light it up.


  1. jpeg + raw. perdone. sleepeh time thasswhy. nighteynight mi loverlies.zzzz

  2. preeedy! lamp and foto. haan i was gonna tell you to shoot Raw + jpeg and then you can practice twiddling when you have the time when i visit you to do the lens swap i shall give you tutorial!

  3. yaaaaaay kitteh tutorial. wheee whee wheeeee. heh.
