Thursday, June 17, 2010

And now, the turtles

There are many giant fishies and the manatees and whatnot, but they just ain't good enough for y'all over at SayChizPliz, so we're moving on to turtles.

There were many in the deep water tank, and the smaller ones kept trying to bite the bigger ones and so on. I love how earnest they look, PUSHING backwards - I can almost hear my mum yelling, PUSH! USE YOUR SHOULDERS! at the pool when I was learning the crawl.



  1. AWJIBOOO... Look at the li'l guy. He just wants to do his best at the swimming races, doesn't he? Go turtles! I think I'll adopt one, and name him Earnest. And he'll be the bestest companion EVAR. Once again, with feeling... AWJIBOOO.

  2. LOL! dontcha know AWJIBOO is specially resrved for kafka? its the name her appa has given her. but yeah sure get a turtle, he's be the bestest EVAR.

  3. hehehehe @ the push your shoulders :P also love the perspective of the second. interesting. but fav pic be 3. cruisin' away :) byootiful
