Friday, June 4, 2010

Finding Nemo

Visiting my cousin in Dallas, I was taken to the wonder that is the Dallas World Aquarium. Seriously, if you're ever there, GO! My little 8 year old niece was dragging me all over, being my tour guide, and I annoying her by stopping every 2 feet to take photos.

This here is the same species as Dory, a regal tang.


  1. I repeat: it's a glow in the dark fish! look at the colours. pweeeedyyyy. can I have? I promise I won't eat :D

  2. Oh my lord... I am speechless (I know, the horror(!), right?). And here I sat thinking your Kanha photos were good. I think this is on par with the deer photos. In fact, your wildlife (fishies count, right?) series is so good... I think I'm in love... Please Ma'am, can I take you to dinner sometime?

  3. hehehe this one's nothing on some of the rest mungi. seriously, is amajing. i wish i clda got em all.
    BW!!!! hiya!!!! dinner could happen...

  4. Well, it's a date then! But, I thought you were dating this weird consultant type, who is always way too interested in his job and his own little world. Will he mind? If you want, I can have a brief chat with him, set him straight about showing his appreciation more often.

  5. yeah he's a bit of a wet blanket that way. do have a chat with him
