Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sri Lankan Sea-life

Anemoenenomoes? (Sorry, I can't spell that word)


  1. WOW. mungi has had day long headache. so can she be forgiven for lack of post tonight? hafta upload and angry coz i took sooo many shots of what I wanted to shoot, and nothing came out like what I wanted. aaargh. anyway, will put up 3 tom together. but Also, its anemone :) (I think)

  2. Hi, "Roommate" . I don't want to call you Mungi, because for some reason that just sounds presumptuous in my head. I just HAD to reply to your (correct) spelling of anemone. The word and I never saw eye to eye, until I realized it is actually pronounced annie-moe-knee, and not annie-moan, as I had always imagined. Perhaps distracted by the moan at the end of that word, I would go off into an infinite loop, much like MinCat here (anemonenomenomenom...). Anyway, long story short, I've patched up with this wonderful sea creature (and it's land-based counterpart), and all is sunshine and kittens. Now if only I could figure out Missisippiisisaraarargh.

  3. tengu mungi for the spelling. its like benanananana ;) and yes. BW, like missisiisisisisspppii

  4. @BW: heh. I know. i also used to pronounce it the way you did, and then I remember having a huge argument about it with someone and hence the pronunciation and spelling has remained as scars ever since ;) and the only reason i know MISSISSIPPI is 'coz there's a little rhyme-y way of remembering it. Maybe i'll teach you two next time? And I can't spell (or for that matter say) itenerary?itenery?itenarary?iternary?iternerery? bah. humbug.

  5. *have remained. y bad. and mey, you're welguummm

  6. i know one for difficulty: mrsD mrs I mrs FFI Mrs C Mrs U MRs LTY.
