Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tired feetses

These days I only wear this pair of Roman sandals. They are luffly and all, and match practically everythingggg, but are a pain to wear as you can tell. Also, worn them so much that the sole barely exists anymore. I can feel every contour of the road when I walk. Must get me a couple of other pairs and stock up. Anyone going to Delhi soon? :)

Just trying to get across a sense of the convolutedness that is wearing my footwear every morning.

And it's been raining in the singara city! Such loveliness. One of the best parts are the dried leaves and flowers that reach the ground to crunch and crackle when the sun comes out.


  1. And I love the sandals... =P I hate lace-up shoes (but not as much as shoes without laces. I mean, seriously, shoes are MEANT to have laces. Lace-less shoes are like door-less cars, or hairless dogs... ewww), and never wear them outside work. However, I'm pretty much a girl when it comes to sandals (I'll spend *hours* sandal shopping - just ask poor MinCat)

    Sooo, annnyway... Do they come in boy versions? =P

  2. kitteh: yeahhhhh, i knowwwww. so much fun they are. wheeeeeeee. like a desi autumn-ness. hee.

    BW: I love em too, I love em too. They're actually my sister's but I've propertied em. And I'm with you about lacy shoes. hee. And about boy vershuns... I haven't seen this type, but if I spot em, I'll be sure to let you know!
