Friday, July 9, 2010


It certainly looks a bit like the little ones who befriend Hiccup no? This was taken at the reptile house of the EXCELLENT DC zoo. If you don't like reptiles, I'd advise you to take a break from MinCat at SayChizPliz till oh the 20th of July or so.

I really loves the way his eyes are peeking back at me, while he is poised to make a very quick exit. I feel like lizards (cept chameleons) generally tend to be kinda cute - cept the ickky house geckos - and rather lithe and rocket-like in the reptile world. That said, giant crocodiles can also move really fast, and let's not get started on snakes! Anyhoo, I wanted to get a sense of that wheeeeee I'matakeofffffff feeling I get when I see lizards. Also, blue!


  1. BLUE! unreal. looks like someone dropped it in a bucket of paint. amazing. really looks like it's made of plastic or something. and the texture is sooooo vivid. luffly.

  2. i KNOW right? i think its a blue basilisk. yes really! apparently endagered.
