Thursday, July 15, 2010

Light. Lead light.

So, my mom had this Tiffany's lamp shade which she bought way back in 88(?) Down Under, and recently in the packing/unpacking madness it broke. As did her heart. And then she found some woman who she showed the design and the pieces, who said she couldn't piece it back together, but could try to replicate it. And replicate it she did. Ironically, soon after it was done, my mom found a missing piece to the original set  with which it can apparently be pieced together again. Aah, life.

In natural light, it looks like so. It hangeth above our dining table.

And at night it eeees soooo pwettttttyyyyyyyyyy

1 comment:

  1. oh god i meant to cimment but such madness i tell you. i LOVE the composition of the first. the second is just pwettyyy
