Saturday, January 30, 2010



Welcome peoples who have stumbled upon us.

I, MinCat, have been fiddling around with photographs for quite a few years. My family has many photographers, even one pro wildlife photographer in the days of yore. But I somehow never got around to it meself. My mum was pretty good, and then my sister got into the act too. Meh I said.

One day in college, outside the library watching squirrels play peekaboo with people, I noticed a strange boy inching towards two of them to take a photo. For some reason, that set me off. The strange boy soon became my mentor and dear friend, and to this day a print of two squirrels kissing in an S-shape sits framed in my room.

He went on to do many things, as did I. Mine involved forn countries and new languages, and all along the way, I just kept shooting. I always resolved to just keep shooting, take a picture a day, how hard can it be; but it never happened.

So when my deere ex-Roommate, the mungi, decided she wanted to do this too, I said let us do it on a blog. We can both use the practice!

And so it begins.

These days I'm also deeply immersed in cooking, so most of my photographs tend to be food-oriented. I also like to take portraits - especially half portraits - and "pretty" landscape shots. I'm intrigued by how light works, so there will be many pictures of sunlight and clouds and sunsets and sunrises and dust get my drift.

Please feel free to comment and give me advice, but don't be mad if I don't take it. As always, nice things are appreciated!

*click click*

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