Monday, February 1, 2010

GM Day 1

This is a picture of the bowl of grapes I ate this morning.

I'm starting the GM diet, as part of the ongoing struggle I have with my weight. I know, people say it's a freak diet, but it has worked for people in my family, my trainer in whom I have full faith recommends it, and well it's only a week long and that's about how long I might be able to last controlling my food!

I decided to try and document it with pictures, which might motivate me to feel happier about the food - after all presentation means something, no? I tried to capture the glistening of the just-washed grapes in the morning light from my balcony. The green bowl is a nice frame I thought.

I'm not entirely happy with the light on the left side of the bowl, cos it's overexposed. It works for sure, but I wonder if there's a way to work with natural light and filter it down a bit or diffuse it.

1 comment:

  1. oh the gwaaaaaapes. ah, the bowlllllll


    pour a lil' sugah on me honey, oh yeahhhhhh
