Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Here comes the hotsteppah

Hellew, and welgum as ze kitty has already said :) This blog did get a lot of getting down to. For the longest time I have been carrying around photos in my head, and I'm finally tired of it. I have always composed moments while walking along, imaginarily snapshotted things that fleeted by, and regretted that I wasn't able to really capture them. Unlike the kitty, I don't have a history of photographers in the family (well, extended, yes), and don't know a lot of camera and photographing technicalities, but like to indulge in creating some soul in another type of storytelling. And what better way to start than with my most prized travelling companion so far?
My chappals.

Since I didn't have a post yesterday, and didn't want to fall back before I even started (!), can I cheat and put 2 up for today? I tried reaaaaally hard, but it finally pained me to have to choose only one. Not because they were all so great, but because the subject, or object (as you please), is so very dear to me.
Since 2003, they have been from hostels to homes, been worn out and out-shaped by friends and family, and have flexed themselves senseless to be accommodating. So many paths trodden, directions taken, discoveries and stillness.

Walk on.

Pic notes:
I was trying to get across a sense of the texture and contours of the chappals- suppleness, second-skin like- worked?  The second picture unfortunately isn't as sharp as I would have liked but I like how the light falls on the worn out sole. In both I think maybe the colour contrast could have been a little better; but I decided not to fiddle with the original pictures. 
(I promise the writeups won't be this long, but hey, this time its my intro post + first pic post. Leeway, if you please? )


  1. duhoood! awesomeness... really well don. i love the texture and the light and oooh the framing! ad photo for lifestyle =)

  2. framing was for first one, not that second isn't nice...
