Wednesday, February 3, 2010

And it is day two.

Of both the GM and the essperiment.

Of course I took photos of the veggies from today, but I also took photos of the BBot in my orange room, and other things! Which, which WHICH I ask myself.

You choose.

This is a picture of the thing I love most about how my BBot looks - his curls. He has the most ANNOYING habit of cropping them down to good consultant robot length, which I loathe, especially since he's always up in mah bizniz about my hair.

I wanted to get the contrast between the smooth background and the texture of the hair, while having the background evoke the feeling of soft curls. I think it works, eh?

This one is of the two lamps in the orange room. One belonged to a previous tenant and the other I brought. It is also orange, and yellow, and I wanted this picture to echo the way the room and objects resonate - the orange walls on the orange lamp, and the swirls on the brown lamp sort of continuing the swirls on the orange one.

I also really like the way the light spills out of that lamp, in spirals almost.


  1. loweing the BBot pic. such depth yet so much softness. luffly it is. The light one-- hmmm, sorry the teda angle bothers me ever so slightly. i knowwww-- the OCD. uff. which one did you buy? I would have liked to see the play between both sets of swirls lil' more. i'm not sensing the resonance so much. ok, i'm done :)

  2. heh yeah the teda angle was possibly too much but i couldn't be bothered to get up off the floor!

    i din buy, but the rents were given the lit one for housewarming and stealed it hee. this is one place where i'd have liked a wide angle, it's just a titch too close.
