Sunday, February 7, 2010

Foot fetish?

You know in those quizes when people ask what is the first thing you notice about someone? Well for no apparant reason, I always see the feet. I still can't quite figure out why, since I don't have a shoe fetish or anything remotely close to it. Humm... anyway....

I was napping last evening when I suddenly looked down at these joothis sitting below the window as the light came cascading in. And the rest, as they say, is history.

They were my sole buy from my trip to Amritsar last year. Surprisingly comfortable, shoe-bite less so far, and actually make my pretty ugly feet look dainty and delicate. After all, if not for the land of joothis, where else could I possibly find a pair that worked for me?

Notes: Wanted to get the light filtering through the cutouts in the joothis themselves (pic 1), and their shape (pic 2) - In the 2nd angle, I thought the  almost aladdin-slipper like shape came through. Did it?


  1. ooo gorgeous! ohhhh i wanna jooothis! maybe you shld do clothes and i shld do food and we shld start a bizniz? hee

  2. I'm telling you! seriuuuuusss :) i went and put comments on your last also. and your comment on my last set. saw? this was tech my post for yesterday, so i better get one coming up for today....

    off we go mihearty

  3. I love jootis.. but somehow only on other's feet! They don't go with my image you see.. unless of course in the hand :D

    PS: They look lovely!

  4. TT: lol. I knowwwwwww....! I also used to think they were for other people. heh. but I couldn't resist! :) and I suppose if you can convince yourself one thing, you can convince yourself another :) mehehe.

  5. hellowelcome TT! Mungi appears to know you =)

    and yes, i agree, they're gorgeous in theory but freaking die in practice on my horrible south indian feets.
