Sunday, February 7, 2010

Light and Shade

In the process of my hard-earned Saturday lazing in bed I noticed that my new pretty bedside lamp does wonderful things with my curtains.

But wait, you say. What curtains? That's why I love this one, it almost tricks you into thinking the curtain is just another side of the lamp. Light, check; shade, check; perspective, check; texture, check.

This one is a little better with showing the play. For one thing, I wanted the fabric to show as fabric, and the patterns of thick and thin, and the wave on the curtains, to show up, sort of like relief. I also really wanted the blue to show up, which was the hardest part of the entire thing, because the white balance on my camera went nuts and it kept showing up as steel grey. ANNOYING

I realised that the problem was the temperature, but then it was a problem getting the light to glow in that warm way while keeping the blue. Phew. Finally did it.

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