Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm late, I'm LATE!

Mostly cos I didn't have time to download photos onto comp before I left for work, and then was too sleepy when I got home. However, here is yesterday's photo. Or do I mean the day before yesterday's photo?

I was wearing these dangly earrings cos I had time to get dressed up, and then when I was lounging in the evening I hung them off the trusty hard-drive and tried to get nice photos against the lovely dark wood table. Target: dangle, and glints.

Then I tried with my necklace. This didn't work out too well, so instead of the pendant dangling we have the pendant lying amidst the snaky coils of the chain.


  1. GORGEOUS: first snap. got a titch of psychedelicness to it in a very cool way. heh. whattey winner

  2. tengu tengu. BUT. SOMEONE's missed THREE days this week. tut. tut. tuttuttut.

  3. I actually like the second one. Something snakey about it, but doesn't creep me out ( I am not a reptile fan!)
