Thursday, February 11, 2010

Oh please, I love you SO, pleasepleasepleeeeeeeeeease?

This is Sudoku, Suku for short. Suku is one of my doggies. We used to call her DisneyDog when she was a puppy, because she just sits there, stares up at you with her big melting brown Labrador eyes and makes these faces that are ooooozing cuteness from every pore. Can make you a titch nauseous too. Hee. She also raises her right paw delicately just off the ground and crosses it over her left leg and holds it there. Ooooozing cuteness. She is also very stupid: in the four years we've had her, I have tried and tried to train her, but she just won't learn. Haiku (Haku), her sister, on the other hand, learns really fast.

For example, there was time I used to come home late most nights. This meant I'd have to park the car outside, open the little gate, slip in, grab the dogs, put their chains on, tie them up, and only then open the big gates and park the car. The first few times they were full of glee, YAY! 1am WALK! YAY! However, once she cottoned on to being tied up Haku began to walk resignedly over to where I tie her and wait patiently to be set free. Suku, however, to this day, excitedly yanks me in the direction of the outside, convinced she's getting a walk. Mutt.
And yes, the focus is supposed to be on her nosie.

She is also, despite the cuteness, the sneakier and snarlier of the two. Haku can fix you with her yellow-eyed stare and some tiny furry mammal in your distant evolutionary past begins to chitter and scream and tell you RUNFORYOURLIFE, but to this day she has never even snapped at a single person. Not even thet vet on her fourth injection. Suku, however, will slink about and look cute and wag her tail, but if she is the slightest bit startled, snap!

Aw sorry, didn't mean to run on. I *heart* my doggies. =)


  1. Byoooootiful snaps di. LOVE the second. So typically Suku also, that earnest, pathetic look. lol

  2. tengu tengu. and yes it is. only she never hold the other typical shot of the raised and crossed paw.

  3. Second pic for me too! Such lovely eyes and a beautiful dog, she is!

  4. yeah on big con artist she is haan. but sooo cute. and sooo pathetic.
