Friday, February 12, 2010

Kitteh Sowwie. Mungi was in town.

For all three of you who follow =)

The Mungi came to town! We were lost in yards of material, stacks of shoes and piles of jewellery. And some food. And many endless naaansense things. However, I *do* have posts for all the days I missed, unlike *some* people who have mostly missed a WEEK! You know you get no more days off for 6 weeks, right Mungi?

First off we have this beautiful cauliflower. Now, I have never been a big fan of cauliflower if not smothered in cheese, but age is finally getting to me. I actually love it steamed. Yes, really. I know, I don't believe me too. But it's true. I'm lucky to live in Hyderabad, which has such beautiful fruit and vegetables, and this here is the cauliflower I made into alu gobi the other morning. I really wanted to catch the delicacy of that leaf, both in colour and texture, and the tiny droplets of water on it.

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