Friday, February 5, 2010

Material girl

One of the things I miss the most after leaving Hyderabad is Numaish. A time of frenzied shoppers, fast-emptying wallets, glorious food, tired feet, and the biggest textile treat in kingdom come. Today's pics are inspired by my lowwwe for Indian textiles and textures.

After a short stint abroad a while ago, I was so tired of wearing jeans and tops, and yearned to come back to material that could breathe, flutter, wisp about and bleed warmth, soul and colour. The mixing and matching, the ceaseless creative combining.... so delectably delicious.

Pic 1: Teehee. I couldn't resist the 'model' in 'nature' shot. I like it because the sharper focus is on the plant, and even though there is so much detail on the dupatta and the kurta, it's a little fuzzed out that gives it a lovely, cascading flow-ey look. I dunno, jesht :) Also, I love how the earthiness of the dupatta blends so beautifully with the plants. So I thought it added something to the framing of the shot. Ok, enough :)

Pic 2: I realized just as the dupatta had a lot of green that blended with the foliage around, it also had some lovely shades of brown. Also, the crisp, white of the kurta stood out radiantly against the tree. I felt the textures of the bark, the delicate threadwork and the bare arm worked well together to frame this picture. I felt the background just helped make the white softer, yet very dramatic.

Pic 3: And finally, as dusk fell, the combination of the kurta+dupatta+tree and that titchy bit of light coming in from behind the neck.

I can't wait to go for Numaish again. Mmmmmmmmm, I can smell it in the air, and feel it in my fingers.


  1. I love the ensemble put together. There's something about whites with a riot of colours. And white chikan is way up there!

    I love the second pic, but the third one is beautiful too!

  2. :) teng uuuu di. yeah, there is something so rivetting about white chikan. i didn't notice how striking till looking back at the pics actually. heh. uff, it was also quite a task to be both the poser and photographer. lol. all clandestine-like creeping about the garden hoping noone noticed me or thought i was nuts. lol

  3. note: all taken at one arm distance. no tripod, no nothing. mehehe

  4. meloves the dupatta man. did your mum ever use the one we got at shilparamam? this year im getting me some white chikan. and chilli chyikaaan for ye hee hee hee.
    i like the first one best.

    would have done some rule of fifths or thirds meself for the second one, possible in both dimensions, just to alter the framing a bit. but beautiful textured contrast, esp with your skin!

  5. i knowwwww. the dupatta is lowely. my mommy bought for my sis, which I stoleth. and yeah, she uses the one we bought at shilparamam. too bad that just had way too much material on it, otherwise I'd use it. It envelopes me like an ocean, and I drown pretty fast in it :) also, this white chikan was numaish purchase wonly! This time also me wants. So chikan and chilli chyikaaan pliss (i'm holding you to it :P)

    also, seriously, rule of whaaaa? 5ths, 3rds? pliss to be essplaining photo talk.

  6. for now:

    fifths is the same thing, only with fifths. i';vew been thinking of writing some posts on technique, if only to make myself research it....what say?
