Monday, February 8, 2010

Ze goddess

Yup, while cleaning up Picasa I found the pics of her concert. How could I not put them up? This is also note to self to try and fiddle more with camera for night shots and otherwise. I tend to thrive on daylight. Which is why if I miss taking my shot before the sun goes down, I... uhmm... save the day by putting up older pics? :) Well, this shall be inspiration enough.

Notes: Of course at any concert, part of the rush is also the mad crowds you're surging along with. I like how in some of the snaps, even though she's in the foreground there are parts of heads and hands here and there in the frame. Apologies if they shook slightly, but it was way hard holding a camera, whipping head about, screaming at the top of my lungs and desparately trying to ignore an urgent need to pee after being two ciders down and stuck right up in front by the grates (which was awesome until the sensation kicked in and the reality of the distance from the loos hit).