Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spain Redux V: Segovia

Kitteh is sick. Does Mungi have an excuse?

Ello. Kitteh even took photos for posting. She hasn't put them on the comp yet. However, to entertain ye, she's posting more Spain photos.

These be from the lovely city of Segovia, home to a famous aqueduct and a strange castle. Strange for Spain that is, whose castles seem to go for a sturdy style, without pointy towers etc. Rumour has it this castle was inspiration for the Disney castle, but frankly, I'm skeptical.

The aqueduct was the source of much merriment for my friend and me, because she insisted that while the Romans might have built some lovely things, they were pretty stupid. There’s a slave, somewhere in history, who must have been beaten for saying “But sir, we don’t have to build this; in my village we just use a tube and the water comes up to the same level on the other side; it’s much cheaper sir!” All that trouble to build an aqueduct, when water will do the work on its own.

The trip was late afternoon, and possibly my best memory of it is stopping on the highway to get hot chocolate in the nippy evening breeze. Ah Spain. Once again I was trying to capture the evening sunlight on the golden stone of Castile and Leon, and as you can see I couldn't pick one of the aqueduct - so y'all got three. You can also see I've done quite a bit of silhouette and sunspot, yay!

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