Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Every morning, as I leave for the gym (okay, okay, every alternate morning) at 7am, I step out into the corridor and turn towards the lift and gasp a little bit at how the sun shines in through the grill door of the people who live at the end of the corridor.

This morning I finally took a couple of pictures of it.

Subtle differences have turned out too subtle. The one on the left is less exposed than the one on the right; and also has the grill off-centre. The idea was to have the picture expanding from the top right corner. The one on the right is basically centred.


  1. like the left more. both the exposure and composition.

  2. yesmetooalso! i'd remove the right only then people seeing later wld be wtf? and i'm too lazy to rewrite the post, though i suppose this comment has enough word eh?

  3. where is this? and how come it's all smudgy? cellphone camera?

  4. my house silly. and that's the denoise. you know how i feel about noise =) see? i need a better camera!
