Monday, April 5, 2010

Keep falling behind!

Ugh. Sowwie. I *was* camera less for a week...

Here be my dearest and oldest bedfellow...wearing glasses from his age of course =) The grain has pissed me off. grrr. I need a new camera. Anyone want to either boy my old one off me, or make me a generous donation? *bats eyelashes* Pwetty pweeeasse?


  1. awwww. apooowwwoowww. i dunno about the donation, but I'm beginning to lean towards .. nooooooooo, I can't say it. mffffffffffftlkasofijklsfkh;jlkjrf.

    I keep on falling.....

  2. Ok fallen :P I mean, I mean, we gotta keep her in the family, yo! Mi casa es tu casa :) Also, it's time to christen her. suggeshuns?

  3. ah the mad mungi is back. we still await the fotus ;) heh. yes indeed fall my love fall into my parlour muhahahahahahahaha
