Monday, May 10, 2010

What can I say?

The Mungi seems to have abandoned this project, and it would appear that I have too. However, our sole reader can take heart because I'm going to start posting again. The Mungi will also, as of this week, have no more excuses whatsoever.

I was ill, and moving, and then had highly demanding visitors in the forms of the Mungi and the Dragon, and then I was travelling, and now I have acquired a new camera and sold the old one to pay for part of it! But I took a TON of pictures I meant to post, and here they come.

One morning that the terrible twosome were here I had to take them out for a liquid and alcoholic breakfast (for them of course). I took some pictures of our glasses. That bar is actually a very good place for photography, seeing as how it's full of accent/spot lighting and dark homogeneous walls!


  1. duhooood, le deuxieme is delectable. as always, just the angle in the first one bothers me ever so slightly. byootiful!

  2. you no longer allowed to object to tilting angle. hee. tengu. i was also amazd by how they came out. must take many things to xtreme in morning and do fotoshoot.
