Sunday, May 23, 2010

12:35 pm. late, again. butheherebuthere

I seem to only work in extremes. aaargh. spend almost the entire day reading up about all sorts of stuff online. The internet is a black hole, seriously. It merely started with figuring out a few more settings on Killi, and then before I knew it I was neck deep in reviews of filters, lenses, wide angle, white balance, crop factor, all the full forms of the lettering systems with Nikon.. the Ds, the Fs, the ......

So, I got so wired up in reading, I didn't actually take Killi out and shoot something new today. But I have one more to match yesterdays curtain and screen. The door screen version of the curtains. And I promise no more of that. Tomorrow, we shall have new ones as I set off for my first photo walk. Whee. Standby.

But for tonight my dorlinks,

Strange object hanging there was some clay thing that broke, there used to be a bottom to that man, now all that remains is his scary face :P Luckily, it's in the shadowwwwww.


  1. I love the curtain, blind, whatever.

    I want. where did you get?

  2. i knowwwww. so pwetty noooooooo. singara wonly. you come :P I'll show :D
