Sunday, May 23, 2010

Canya spot the Peacock?

Recent trip to Kanha National Park. Am officially converted to wildlife reserve holidays. It was amazing - 8 hours of doing stuff, peaceful time, extra sleeping time, lying in bed and reading time...poifeck.


  1. how hard did you find it to spot it? and did you see it fan?

  2. Love the spot of colour. Like a pattu podavai. Mayil colour with the gold jari :)

  3. dude i saw hundreds of them fanning and dancing and running and calling - almost as boring as the cheetals. just never close enough for my poor equipment to capture!

    nandu, THANK YOU! thats exactly what i thought of, a dry ddusty road and someone walking to a wedding in a pattu poduvai. also i have that poduvai ;)
