Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I deserve another one JUST for all the drama of getting this finally up. Especially 'coz this one the Dragon drowned 3/4th :P

LOL. only after uploading did I notice the strange white shadow at the back which obviously was a result of the rotating in GIMP. right. so much to learn. I couldn't be arsed to change this :P Gawd, so complicated. naaaansense.

latessssht update:
just cropped it in good ol' picasa anddddd learned how to watermark, so yaay!


  1. darlink. if i might suggest. for straightening an cropping, stick to picasa. i know i know many softwares, but really its easiest that way. i love this fatu, esp cos i is in it! hee

  2. yeah too many s/ws. Like I said in last post, I'm only going to keep RAW files I think of stuff that I had really had trouble shooting or suchlike so I can tweak later. Othwerwise I'm heading back to jpeg land which would mean I'd return to picasa anyway. es, you is such a good model :P are there any other treasures off my lot from munngikittehdragonmeet?

  3. s/ws? gimp is useful for plain jpegs also ma, someday you will learn about curves!
