Monday, July 5, 2010

Drip, drop

Rain on the balcony

Water beadies

Update: removed last pic. Again, another instance of an upload I didn't like that much. It didn't come out the way I wanted it, so it should have never been up here.


  1. ju already knowi love the first - i can picture myself sitting on that sofa (?), drinking chai and reading book.
    i like bokeh in #2, but its a little dark...try fiddling with levels in gimp. unless you like it dark =)
    #3 i dunno di, it seems like totally random shot. what was your idea?

  2. Es, it does have a sofa to it. heh. yeah second is a bit dark. can't do in gimp coz its a jpeg. muhahaha. lol. I feel like the bokeh almost got there, but not quite. and three, i agree totally random. I was going for that brooding dark skies look but it sooo didn't happen. and the framing wasn't great either. Bad photo basically :)

  3. dude. take time to read user guide na to gimp. useless. it's photoshop! can TOTALLY do jpgs! in fact cant do raw without plugin!
