Monday, July 5, 2010

He sells seashells

Aren't they just so exquisite? Seashell flowers, yes. Got them at an exhibition where are guy was sitting and making them.

update: removed last two pics. they WERE sloppy, as kitteh said. I wasn't alll that fond of 'em either when I uploaded; I was just being not very discerning at 11 pm. One shall strive to only put up what one really likes. It IS mungi kitteh after all; we have standards :P


  1. that first one is breathtaking! the composition, the colours, yuvrything perfect. looks like what i think japanese art should look like. hee.

    the other two i am not liking much, mainly cos they're a bit muddled. i mean the focus of the picture doesn't stand out. the light shells are slighty blurred but not enough to be dismissed automatically as bkgd. and i also no like the full on central framing - feel like #3 wld have been much better if it was on the rightmost third.

  2. zank you! lowe it too, the first.
    and completely agree with you on the last two. I was trying to go for a closer shot to get a sense of the texture of the shells, but that didn't work because most of it got blurry so was totally pointless. right about the central framing; didn't seem to work. I did like the sense of blurry colour at the back, but it didn't work coz the shells were neither sharp in front of it, or blurry enough to blend into it. just not great shots :)
