Monday, July 5, 2010


While I was packing/unpacking came across all my old college textbooks and notebooks. Proof that I was/am never able to keep my hand still with a pen/pencil in hand. Samples from B.A. days mostly.

French classes. Very diligent student as you can see.

 Book title doodles
 Semester papers

 Them days, them Malgudi days
 The google doodle  that sat at my desk
A recent gift (the pencil/pen case) that I received from a kind child, and filled with my goodies.


  1. hehe cutes. i love last one. lil ring of pencils...he.

  2. heh. I know. that case is so cute. Intern gave to me when she left, 'coz she brought it once and I said what a cool idea. Chweet of her. :)
