Saturday, June 19, 2010

Giants of the Savannah!

So the post for the 18th managed to refuse scheduling - possibly something to do with the fact that my laptop is on IST and I am on PDT. Anyhoo...I don't mind, I've got SUCH a backlog!

After the brief relapse into fishes, we're moving on to mammals. (Later we go to reptiles and amphibians, and return to fishes and suchlike critters, with some surprise skeenries thrown in.)

This here be an African heffalump spraying itself wiv water to cool off! D'AWWWW!


  1. It's amazing how different they look from Indian elephants. Get so used to only seeing our variety.

  2. i know! and they were browny not grey! but then in DC even the indian ones were bronwy not i dunno. maybe is cos of the mud here.
